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Alot of times people ask me Amber What are you doing with your life?

Like I have any control over what I do with it. All I knew was that I’m finishing school, and going out in to the big bad world. Well, sure enough God showed up and was like ” Amber, I want you to go!” My heart was unsure of whether this was me saying this or God, but sure enough it was God. I had no clue where to go or what to do. My heart cried out to do missions before, I just had no clue where to go. SO I got on Adventures in Missions website and looked, I had narrowed it down to Australia, Peru, or Scotland. I had prayied long and hard and waited for an answer, well, it came soon enough. Scotland!! Well, that was unexpected, I thought I wanted to go to Australia for the wrong reasons and I wanted to go to peru cause a friend of mine went, but Scotland people are always asking me, are you going for vacation? They are surprised when I tell them it was for a mission trip. Their jaws drop and they have a look of utter Shock. like why minister there they don’t need it, it’s Scotland, and I kindly remind them, it’s not the place it’s the people that need missionaries.
 I was called by God and him alone, by his eagerness to send me out into a world I hadn’t experianced. A world I needed to face with him by my side and nothing else. Yes, Scotland is a vacation spot for most, but for me it’s my mission feild. A place that I was sent specifically by God Himself. And I am ready to go!!!