
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On Sunday I was at the altar and I was praying about the trip and for God to guide us through the preparations for the trip and while on the trip too. And of course i was praying about the cost of the trip as well and I just felt like God was telling me to do my tythes (i think i spelt that right =)) I knew I had to give the trip over to God and trust him with it so that’s what i did. After giving it over to God and giving my tythes it wasnt even and hour later when I had two people come and ask me about the trip, and together they donated $700 dollars to the trip. To me that was just like God telling me that he was taking care of me and he was taking care of the trip too. I thought it was really amazing! Anyways just thought i’d share with yall!

love ya guys!



5 responses to “How Ive seen God In my Life This Week”

  1. Thanks!!! yeah I thought it was really awesome and it was just kind of like a wake up call, you know his way of showing me he’s still in control =)

  2. Hey Ash! That is awesome!!! So great to see how God is working in your life! Thanks for sharing–its definitely one of those things that we all struggle with and its always a good reminder to know that God is in control and he will provide! 😀

  3. Kristen- Yeah it’s definately one of those areas that I am constantly struggling in and I have to remind myself all the time to just let go and let God.
    Joshua- Yea I know I still have a hard time believing it =)