I have an AMAZING and sorta FRUSTRATING experience to tell you about. Some of you know that I’m part of a Youth Alive group and I come up with lesson plans to go over with all the members, well this last week I didnt have time to make up a lesson and the lesson plan I had already made up the week before just didnt set well with me so I thought maybe we’d just have a free-day and get to know each other better, but this just wasn’t in God’s plans. So this morning (3/2/10) I woke up out of a dead sleep and as soon as I woke up I felt like God was telling me to get up and get my bible and at the time I thought it might be 5am or so, so not too early just an hour earlier but then I usually woke up, but never the less I rolled over and looked at my phone and its 3am!!!! I know that’s really really early atleast to early for me to be awake! haha Anyways I couldnt go back to sleep and I didnt have to be up til 6am. As I layed there I continued to feel as if God wanted me to get up and read my bible. But it being 3am and im super tired and I also have mid-terms first thing this morning, I do not want to move let alone get up outta bed and get my bible and read. So here I am in my room arguing with God at 3am about getting up and reading my bible. I think it is way to early So I turn over on my side and ignore the voice telling him i’ll do it later, but I couldnt go back to sleep so I turned the other way trying to get comfortable in my bed, but I still cant go back to sleep…sooo I turn the tv on thinking that I’ll fall asleep but it doesnt work so I turn the tv back off and turn on some worship music…it still doesnt work, and God’s voice is still there telling me to get my bible but i’m still arguing and finally and hour later I give up trying to go back to sleep and I finally give into God’s voice and go get my bible. So I brought my bible back to my bed and I’m not sure what God wants me to do so I just opened my bible and it fell open to 1kings 19:12 and my lesson plan just kinda of unraveled from there. So after arguing and fighting God on this for an hour I finally did it and after reading my bible and finishing my lesson plan it wasnt 30minutes later and I fell asleep!lol And it turned out that my lesson plan was on listening to God’s voice. Isn’t that AMAZING?!?!?! Ya I wasnt too happy that I was woke up @ 3am but I’m glad it happened,I would’ve been even happier if it wasn’t at 3am but you learn lessons everyday if you just take the time to listen to God’s voice!