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My Bio!
1 John 4:7-21
Hello team members! My name is Brynn MacInnis and I’m 17 years old. I live in Alpharetta, GA which is a suburb of the Atlanta area. I have 6 brothers and sisters so I love being around people and getting to know new people! I grew up in a Christian home and did the typical Sunday school every Sunday morning but it didn’t really mean anything to me until middle school. I could answer any of the questions a sunday school teacher would throw my way, but I never really had a relationship with Christ. In sixth grade I convinced my parents to change churches because they werent happy with the one we had been attending. Six years later I still love my church and smallgroup and couldn’t be happier that we made the switch! I love my family and friends, sports, music, and being outside in nature. This past year I was fortunate enough to to go Kenya with an organization based in atlanta called the 410Bridge. It was SUCH an amazing experiance getting to know the people of kenya and getting to share the love of God in another continent. After visiting Kenya, Ive realized just how much you truely don’t need and how God is the only thing you need in life. The people I got to know there really let Gods spirit shine through them in everything they do. Eager to go back, the youth group at my church planned a trip to go on in July and I jumped on the oppertunity! I went to the same area of Kenya again to a town called Joska with about 30 other highschoolers from my church. This time, we helped build the schoolhouses and loved on the orphans at the orphanage called Horec. I could rant on for days about kenya but ill stop myself there:) As much as i will be missing going this summer, I didn’t feel called to go to Kenya. After doing research, I found myself praying into this trip more and more until I finally signed up and i was SO excited when I got accepted. Im really really excited to meet all of yall and cannot wait for July!
Hey Brynn,
My name is Ashley and I will be going on the Scotland trip with you!!!!
I’m so glad to meet you, our team is already so close and I cant wait to add you into the craziness of it all!!! It’s going to be so much fun and I cant wait for you to meet Amber,Andrew,Courtney,Kayan, and Zach >our team members lol they are amazing and you’ll love them!!! If you wanna talk some more you are more than welcome to email me at [email protected]
ttyl hopefully!!!
In Christ,
sounds like you are a prayerful and sensitive person. keeping praying for Scotland. help lead our way there. He has called you and you have listened. awesome. thank you for showing me how to spell “yall” 😉