Blog by Christina Young
This trip has answered many questions that I've had about my life. Scotland has also made me answer questions that the Lord has put on my heart. Since I entered the Stanley House I have asked Him to removed all the walls and distractions from my life. When I return home I pray that temptations and old habits will not arise. A song that really sums up this category of life is "Hurricane" by Jimmy Needham it states that I need God to come into my life like a hurricane and tear all my walls down. It says I am His now. He is the eye of the storm that has complete control over everything.
The second focus that I have asked God to reveal to me is what should I do now that I have graduated. But everything comes in time. So, since I have no idea what I want to do I have given it to Him to show me when the time is right. The song "Here I am, Send me" by Matt Papa explains everything that I wasn't able to give God. It says that I will go wherever you want me to go, I will give up my dreams and my selfish plans to follow Him. In order to devote my whole self to God, I have to put off all worry and anxiety about my future. The one thing that my heart wants the most is to have a family that is devoted to God, but now I know that I need to put my dreams and desires aside to full heartedly follow Christ. If that means giving up my own plans and desires for Him, than so be it. Giving up those dreams is something that I struggled with before this trip. But I think that is something that is going to help me stop worrying about my future and just focus on the current moment.
Ruth 1:16
Blog by Kayan Dunnigan
This trip has been really good for me. I've gown spiritually and I really feel closer to God. I can tell that this team been hand selected by God. We all work together really well and have accomplished many things as a team. We've been growing non-stop lately with our work. It's been awesome I've talked to all sorts of people and have learned all sorts of things about different circumstances the Lord can deliever us from. This entire experience has made me really want to go into missions in the future and to live my life for God in the most direct way possible.
Blog by Zack Wooster
Oh goodness, I'm suppose to write about something I've learned so far but I've learned so much it's hard for me to decide what to talk about. I have on moment that was really amazing to me that i'd like to talk about. It actually happened in taining camp. One morning Kenny was leading worship and just told us if we felt like God was putting on our hearts that we should sing it. Then a leader stood up and asked if we were truly worshiping God with all our hearts. Then people started going to the mic to sing and move around and truly get out of their comfort zones. I found myself in the front yelling out lyrics that I didn't even know. People started even sharing over the mic what was on their hearts. And then I had a crazy moment and decided to pick up the guitar and start playing with everybody. Everyone in the room felt God movig there that day. I think we experienced true sincere worship.
Praising the Lord for what He is doing in your lives. He is truly answering prayers. Seeking God first and being willing to abandon ALL for Him is a glorious and exciting place to be. How proud we are of all of you, our children, but most importantly, God’s children! Can’t wait to see all of you. Christina Kate…..I love you more than words can say!
Wow! How very exciting. You are experiencing God’s true desires for you. He wants you to know Him intimately and you are. This is awesome! I love you Zach, and miss you so much. Can’t wait to hear about all of your experiences there. Write things down. You’ll be talking to our home team about God’s work in Scotland in 2 weeks. I love you and I’m very proud of you! Mom
Hey John! so it is your last week in Scotland. i know by now you can’t wait to go home. but now is the worst time to let the enemy distract you with the nothing going on here. the last week is when God usually starts to unfold your trip to you and i really don’t want you to miss it! God is a BIG, radical God, yet He wants us!!! i pray He would humble you in His presence these last couple days as i know He has been your whole trip. btw i got your letter today and it was very sweet! praying for you and love ya! see you saturday!