
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Let’s talk dollars and sense:

raising support is no easy task. i know! it seems very burdensome, laborsome, and down right dreadful. -some of this has a lot of to do with us, and nothing to do with God. when we make raising support about us . . . we miss the point.

we are often willing to do the work, ministry because we believe that it is honoring to the Lord and because we feel like it is more in our control than it is. ministry, like raising support requires effort and just like ministry the results  of those efforts are not in our control either, but we still must be willing to do it.

also, as a Christian we are part of a family and like a family we are to support one another. don’t let yourself get in the way of allowing others to be a part of God’s call on your life and for this summer. people want to know how to help you, they want to be your supporter, they want to be asked by you and to hear your passion. DON’T HIDE, proclaim.

i think of the adage “those that are faithful in the small things will
be faithful in the big things.” i want you to contemplate viewing
raising support as not a hoop to be jumped through but as an important
preparation to doing ministry. believe me you will be faced with lots
of adversity on this mission trip and before and you need others behind
you. raising support is an exercise of faith, and you will need to be fit for our mission trip.

let us learn through support raising that effort is needed, ourselves need to be conquered and humbled, and that God is eager to provide and reveal Himself to you in it.

let me know if you are struggling in this area and want help. i’m here to help you.

9 responses to “$upport”

  1. John! Want to let you know, as staff…we are praying for you as well. Thank you for being so bold as to share with your team and leaders. It’s tough but can be done! Don’t give up… continue to be bold in asking others to share and partner with you in ministry!

  2. Hey John,

    Please, Give me a call today when you get out of class. I would love to talk with you about what you are experiencing.

    Connie is right on about prayer and boldness. I do believe with you that God intends for you to pursue Scotland.

    Talk to you soon.


  3. john,

    good to talk today about support.

    remember to send me an email with your newsletter in it for me to read.


  4. Hey guys I could really use your prayers too concerning getting all my support please!

  5. hey God is moving in some powerful ways for me and my fundraising but i am still struggling. i am staying positive though because i know God has it all in his hands but i could use more ideas and prayer and stuff haha

  6. hey guys,

    i have been praying for your support. i know some of you are further along the money trail. have any of you found something that you have done to be successful? please share that on this tread with your fellow teammates.

    the best way i have found to raise support is inviting groups of people who are on your newsletter address list to my home for a presentation involving native foods, a history lesson, a ministry review, PRAYER, and sharing my need and offering a way for people to respond, to partner. sometimes we have not because we ask not. NEWSLETTERS are not enough for MOST people. PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, THEY WANT TO BE ABLE TO ASK QUESTIONS, TO SEE YOU ARE SERIOUS, TO KNOW YOU ARE FULLY ENGAGED.

    ultimately, the funds come from God just like the fruit of the soil. you need to cultive the soil and nuture it to bring forth fruit. see God invites us to be part of His work both in ministry and in financies.

    remember that raising support is apart of your ministry. you are not an island to yourself here or there. allowing people to come on board is very important to your stability and sharing your heart and how the Lord is moving is a part of maturing spiritually as well.

    By HIS Blessings Alone . . .

  7. ZacH,

    great to hear that you are seeing the hand of God. this is powerful!!!! and blessing in that God is always working but we don’t always see it.

    please send me your last newsletter.